Holiday Relapse Prevention Plan
Here are a few suggestions:
1. Daily Review: Remembering to take one day at a time during the madness of the holidays may seem like an impossibility. Making a plan for each day of the holiday season will help you get through the day and avoid triggering a relapse. Stay organized and reduce stress by keeping a calendar and a to-do list. Journaling will also help you with this. As long as you are preparing in advance what it is you may need for the day. Keep recovery at the front of your mind.
"If you don’t keep your guard up, you can easily fall back into your old self-defeating patterns. This is called relapse. The alcoholic starts drinking again. The overeater regains the weight. The gambler returns to the casino. The workaholic fills up his schedule again. We all tend to repeat the patterns of our past. It’s easy to slip back into old hurts, old hang-ups, and old habits.” (Life's Healing Choices) John Baker
2. Pick up the phone: Having a strong support team is a very important part of recovery. Call your accountability partners and/or sponsor regularly. Notice what your struggle is, name it, honor it, and then invite God and your team into your struggle and pain. Process it together and then devise a plan of action to help move forward healthily. Do not try to do this alone.
3. Meditate and/or memorize bible verses. Allow Gods word to penetrate your mind and heart. What are the promises of God that you need to remind yourself of today?
4. Attend your meetings during the week. We can’t work recovery alone. Don’t listen to the voice that says, “You don’t need to attend a meeting tonight.” Remember, if we wait until we “feel” like going, it will never happen. We all need to be in community so we don’t isolate ourselves.
5. Gratitude List: Write down at least one thing you are grateful for each day. “My heart is still beating.” “I had food to eat today.” “I have forever family to see at CR.” “I am not alone, ever.” Give God thanks for what you discover.
These are suggestions and maybe a jumping off point to assist in developing a plan. The important thing is to have a proactive plan to help us through the Holidays.