How do you cope? What do you use to escape? When our week is hard or we are hurt where do we turn? Do you go to food? Do you go away for the weekend? Do you watch TV or movie marathons? How about getting lost in FaceBook? Twitter? What do you use? Yes I mean use. Okay these things seem so harmless don't they. They are all socially acceptable means of escape. But is it an unhealthy type of escape? Do we carry it to far? Mine can be food or TV. I just get tired and want to escape. I think God has a different idea of escape.
Matthew 11:28-30: “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (The Message). Jesus has a different plan. Go to Him and he will lighten your burden. Sometimes we get so busy with church work we forget to take time to slow down and just listen for Him. I know I did. I was so thrilled to work for the church but I tried to do it on my own power. That does not work well because I began to burn out after 16 years. Not long after the burn out started God got my attention by taking away that job so I could slow down and listen for Him. It really hurt at first but now I am so thankful because I am learning how to slow down and do the work He has for me and not take on so much that I lose sight of why I am doing it.
So, what are you using? Do you need help changing? I know the perfect place, Celebrate Recovery. They can help with your hurts, hang ups and habits. Yep it is for everyone because we all have hurts, hang ups and habits. Why not come and see what it is all about Friday night at 6 PM. See you then.